Reaching Tokyo
When you think of Japan, what comes to mind? Perhaps images of a centuries-old temple, a bustling metropolis like Tokyo, Mt Fuji, green tea... But what comes to mind when you think about Japan's spiritual condition?
The Gospel first came to Japan in the late 1500s/early 1600s, and there was intense persecution of the first Japanese Christians. Since that time there has been little Christian growth. Out of the 127 million Japanese people alive today, less than 0.5% are Evangelical Christian. Most Japanese people have never once heard the Gospel explained in a way that makes sense to them.
But Jesus, the good shepherd, has laid down his life for his sheep around the globe. In John 10:16 Jesus says, "I have other sheep that are not of this [Jewish] fold. I must bring them also."Jesus came to save and redeem people from all nations, including Japan. It is in the name of Jesus that the nations will put their hope (Matthew 12:21).
​ As I prepare to serve the Lord in Tokyo, my prayer is that millions of Japanese will put their hope in Jesus. My team's prayer and vision is for God to transform Tokyo through an ever-increasing presence and influence of people who treasure Jesus above all else.
To see our ministry up-close, check out the video below.