Let us pray for our Japanese brothers and sisters in Christ, to remember and rejoice that they are chosen by God, holy, and beloved (Colossians 3:12).
In Colossians 3, Paul exhorts his readers to seek the things that are above since they have been raised up with Christ (Col 3:1). He then tells the church to put to death what is earthly in them, and he lists several sins to put to death (Col 3:5-11).
Then he exhorts the church to “put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience…” (Col 3:13).
I would encourage us to pray Colossians 3 over our precious Japanese brothers and sisters in Christ this week, and let us especially pray that they will see themselves through the lens of the Gospel hope to which they have been born again into by God’s powerful mercy.
Pray for them to rejoice that they have been...chosen by God to be his children, that they are set apart to be holy, and that they are deeply loved by God. And may this knowledge firmly ground them in their faith as they shine as lights in dark world.
Father in heaven, we praise you that all your children have been chosen by you, that we are holy and beloved to you. I pray that these truths will be firmly rooted in Japanese believers' hearts, that they may live before you and serve you with true joy. In Jesus's holy and beautiful Name we pray. Amen.