Pray that Japanese Christians will hide the Word of God in their heart, that they might not sin against the Lord but instead walk in a manner worthy of the the calling to which they have been called (Psalm 119:9; Eph 4:1).
Let us pray for our Japanese brothers and sisters to hunger and thirst for God’s word, that it will be the lamp to their feet and a light for their path (Psalm 119:105). Pray for them to be devoted to the Lord and His Word in all things, and pray for their faith to increase as they grow in the Word and the knowledge of God.
Finally, let us pray that they will shine forth as lights in their communities, with their family, friends, and co-workers, and that they will be ready to give a reason for the hope that is within them.
In Jesus’s Name we pray, Amen (1 Pet 3:15).