Pray for the continual outpouring of the Holy Spirit across every corner of Japan. Pray for a great awakening among the Japanese people, for those who are perishing to be transferred to God’s marvelous light by the redemptive blood of Christ Jesus (1 Peter 2:9).
Let us join together this week and pray for the Lord to call more and more Japanese people out of darkness into his marvelous light. This is our continual prayer, isn't it?
With hope in God and faith in his Word, let us pray for God to continue to draw his sheep to Himself (John 10:16). Pray for the kingdom of God to come, for the gospel to be proclaimed, and for hearts to receive the good news and hold fast to it, across every city and town in Japan.
May we continually plead with the Lord to glorify his Name among the Japanese in bringing many of them to salvation. Pray for them to be called home to a better country—a heavenly one—to the praise of his glory (Heb. 11:16).
In Jesus’s Name we ask these things. Amen.