Let's pray for a specific prefecture of Japan this week, that God will continue to make His Gospel known among those who are far from Christ in these areas.
You can find a list and map of Japan's prefectures here: https://www.kyuhoshi.com/map-of-japan
Let us pray this week for the people of the prefecture we choose, that God will continue to grant his light to shine in the hearts of the people who live there (1 Cor 4:6). Pray for God to take out the hearts of stone in Japanese men, women, and children and give them hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 11:9). Pray to the Father, asking for laborers to be sent to these harvest fields (Luke 10:2), and for God to open their hearts to believe the gospel (Acts 16:4). Pray that they will come to the One who calls them to Himself to be relieved of the burden of their sin (Matt 11:28-30).
Finally, whichever prefecture you choose, it is almost certain that there are small towns/rural areas that are completely unchurched, where not even one single Christian lives, so I would encourage us to pray for Christians to move there, for churches to be planted in these areas, and for God's kingdom to continue to come in rural--and indeed all of--Japan.
In Christ's Name, our Father, we ask these things, all to the praise of your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.