Weekly Prayer (Oct 25th, 2021): Pray for Christians, both Japanese and non-Japanese, to pray without ceasing for their non-believing Japanese family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc to be saved (1 Thess. 5:17).
Let us praise the Lord again this week for his grace toward the Japanese people, for his continuing to deliver people from the domain of darkness and transferring them to the kingdom of his beloved Son (Colossians 1:13-14).
And let us thank the Lord for his children who shine as lights in the world among people who are still dwelling in darkness. Let us pray this week specifically for those who have relationships with Japanese people, whether they are family members, colleagues, fellow students, neighbors, employees of a store they frequent, etc...and let us pray for these believers to pray for these non-believers by name without ceasing.
We know that God alone regenerates sinners' hearts, and so let us pray for all evangelism to begin with prayer and continue with prayer. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17) for the Japanese people, to pray always, so that they will not lose heart (Luke 18:1) over those who do not yet know Christ.
Father in heaven, we pray for your church, for us, to be a praying people. Please help us all to come humbly and expectantly to your throne on behalf of the Japanese people. We ask these things in Jesus's Name. Amen.